Stop Silverfish In Their Tracks: Top Techniques For Control For Tampa Homes

silverfish on a sweatshirt

When you live as close to the ocean as we do here in Tampa, you tend to spend a lot of time on the water. But while you are out fishing, silverfish may be invading your home. Unfortunately, silverfish aren't the type of fish you want to catch.

Despite their name, silverfish aren't actually fish. They are closely related to spiders but get their name from their metallic appearance and fishlike movements. Call us today to learn more about these creepy invaders and how professional pest control in Tampa can help keep them out of your home.

Signs Of Silverfish: How To Identify The Problem

Silverfish aren't the most common pest, so you may not recognize them immediately, but identifying them is the first step in controlling a silverfish infestation. These pests are small, silver-gray insects, typically about half an inch in length, with a distinctive teardrop-shaped body. They move in a wiggling, fishlike motion like their name suggests. 

Other signs of silverfish infestation include:

  • Shed Skins: Silverfish molt several times during their lifespan. You may find tiny, translucent exoskeletons in areas where they congregate.
  • Yellow Stains: As they feed on paper, cardboard, and other materials, they leave behind yellowish stains.
  • Holes and Notches: Silverfish feed on carbohydrates like sugars and starches in various items, including books, wallpaper, and clothing. This can result in irregular holes and notches.
  • Feces: Small, pepper-like feces can be found in areas where silverfish are active.

If you see any of these signs of silverfish infestation, call us immediately for a home inspection. 

Damaging Effects Of Silverfish In Your Home: What You Need To Know

The good news about silverfish is that they aren't harmful to humans. They don't sting or bite but can still cause problems around your home. 

There are multiple concerns that come with a silverfish infestation. Silverfish feed on a wide range of materials, including books, clothing, paper products, and stored foods. Their feeding habits can result in significant damage to these items. They can contaminate food and pantry items by chewing through packaging.

Silverfish shed their exoskeletons and leave waste behind, both of which can act as allergens, potentially triggering respiratory issues. Their excrement can stain fabrics, paper, and other surfaces. Along with all this, they often attract other pests like spiders and centipedes.

With all the issues these pests cause around your home, you want to do everything possible to prevent them. 

Silverfish-Proof Your Home: Essential Maintenance And Repairs

The best way to avoid the damage that silverfish can cause is to prevent them from getting into your home in the first place. Here are some silverfish prevention tips:

  • Use a dehumidifier to maintain low humidity levels in your home.
  • Seal cracks and crevices in walls, floors, and foundations.
  • Store pantry items in airtight containers to prevent silverfish from contaminating them.
  • Reduce potential hiding spots by decluttering and removing stacks of paper, cardboard, and magazines.
  • Frequent cleaning can eliminate food particles and crumbs that attract silverfish.
  • Repair leaky pipes, dripping faucets, and other sources of moisture.
  • Store books and clothing in pest-resistant containers or areas.

Following these steps can help keep silverfish out of your home. 

Take Action Against Silverfish: Get Rid Of Them Once And For All

If you're already dealing with a silverfish infestation in your home, the best thing you can do is contact us, and we will develop home pest control for you that includes silverfish. Our trained experts will inspect your home to confirm the presence of silverfish. Then, we will work quickly to remove them and help you take steps to keep them from returning.

Don't let silverfish invade your home, damage your belongings, and cause problems. Call us for professional silverfish control in Tampa, and let us keep your home protected.